Webshop » Survival in Ukraine for Benelux citizens

Survival for Benelux civilians in Ukraine

Bullet proof vest for Belgian, Dutch and Luxembourg civilians in Ukraine. Buy protect against the armor piercing bullets out Kalashnikov and Dragunov rifles. Bullet proof helmets and hard ballistic plates. knife resistant clothing. Purchasing body armor
Navy days Sevastopol 2010
There is already a large community of Ukrainian citizens who have already settled in the Netherlands and Belgium. Some families have been fully established and other families are not yet fully reunited. In many cases, they have parents, grandparents and children still in Ukraine and must the beloved one, based on the visa restrictions stay partially in Ukraine and partly in the Benelux. Fears of a mobilization and the fear of shelling of homes and schools is a major concern of many families.
Submarine base Balaklava - Crimea

The armed conflict in eastern Ukraine has already cost very many civilian lives. While everyone hopes that the peace agreement of Minsk hold position and stop the threat of war and the shelling, however in the field, the peace agreement is violated every day and civilians remain under fire.
Ukraine Army Navy Days Sevastopol 2010
According to the public opinion in Russia there is already been ordered to keep the battlefield warm with the ultimate goal to split Ukraine into two parts. It is expected that Putin will try to get the most out of the conflict and will try to annex the Russian speaking part of Ukraine. Whether this will all work out remains very doubtful. Besides the expected reaction of NATO, the determination of the Ukrainian army will play an important role. The banks of the Dnieper river will certainly be used as a natural barrier that will prevent the flow of heavy weapons. Despite all the opposition, it will be impossible to prevent that the entire coastline of the Black Sea will be a new conflict area.
This means that even an bigger part of Ukraine will be dragged in the conflict. More people will be affected by the violence and humanitarian aid will be needed for the survival of the civilians in the conflict zone. Based on the experience already gained in the conflict in eastern Ukraine, one can already say that there will be a shortage of certain goods, and that it will be very difficult to get certain goods in emergencies on the spot. Hence, for those who have the ability to already prepare for a possible disaster scenario, they do it in many cases. The citizens of the Benelux countries who live in Ukraine, can already prepare themselves so they have already with them the most important survival equipment.
At the outbreak of the crisis in Ukraine there are very many casualties with severe head injuries. As a result there has been a serious shortage of bullet-proof helmets.
Bullet proof helmet

Cut resistant ski mask
A bullet-proof helmet is so important and really ought to be in everyone's his closet!
A second type of serious injuries are undoubtedly the injuries caused by explosions where limbs are injured or torn. Research has shown that this category of deaths can be avoided by the use of a tourniquet. Nowadays, every soldier has one or more CAT- Tourniquet at itself in order to prevent exsanguination in severe injuries to limbs. It goes without saying that most of the first-aid-cases containing only what wound band-aids and are totally inadequate. An emergency survival kit adapted for use in armed conflict is also from vital importance.
Survival and Defense EMT bag

Providing first aid with the right products can save a life. For the first aid in to an armed conflict, we have an individual emergency kit Survival-Defense composed by a number of guidelines, including the guidelines of the Orange Cross and tactical combat casualty care advices.
Survival and Defense bullet proof vests
By the expansion of the conflict in Ukraine, there will be an absolutely lack on good body armor level 4 which are able to stop the steel core bullets from a Kalashnikov and Dragunov rifle. Under certain conditions, a resident of the Benelux can buy a bulletproof vest to go travel to dangerous areas. Those who visit relatives in the conflict zone of Ukraine ensures themselves best to have good body armor on him. There are various types of NIJ-4 bullet-proof vests available.

Quite recently we received the notification of citizens in Ukraine that today most casualties among civilians are caused by mortar shells. Today, in new military equipment are already used cut-resistant and fire-resistant properties. Kevlar, Nomex and other highly technical fibers can reduce injury by burning or fragments of mortar shells.
Practical combinations
With the experience of the war in Iraq and the developments on the ground in Ukraine, we can suggest a number of combinations that then chance of fatal injuries can be significantly reduced.
Bullet proof vest Ares    Bullet proof vest Pollux
During the war in Iraq were in the Green Zones by everyone always worn soft body armor. The soft body armor NIJ-3A is an all-round protection against various types of risk, including against shrapnel from mortar shells, bullets from guns, stabbing with knives or sharp objects and even against shattered glass in car accidents and against burning wounds during a fire. A soft bullet proof vest Pollux or Ares NIJ-3A (04) or (06) should therefore belong to the basic clothing of every citizen in a conflict zone.
Combat Bravo shirt     Combat Police shirt

There are already various types of clothing available made from highly technical fibers like Kevlar, Nomex, Spectra or Cutyarn. Depending on the composition they may reduce injury by fire, fragments of mortar shells or glass shards to the neck and arms. With winter coming, we have two protective sweaters made from Nomex or Kevlar and that once again have several layers of cut and stab resistant lining. The Combat Cut Bravo and Combat Police shirt with stab proof Dickie Mock Turtleneck can contribute greatly to reduce the injuries neck and can be worn over the discreet bulletproof vest.
Hard ballistic plates NIJ-4
There's been a lot of criticism given the hard ballistic plates that are available in Ukraine and are intended to protect against the Kalashnikov and Dragunov rifles. Let me say that Ukraine is doing everything it can, but it still will be several years before they can produce good quality bulletproof plates. We have different good NIJ-4 hard ballistic plates available in order to stop the steel core bullets from a Kalashnikov and Dragunov rifle.

Triton plate carrier              Operator plate carrier
We have a several types of plate carriers available that can be used to carry above a soft bullet-proof vest. The most discrete is the Triton carrier consisting of two pockets for hard ballistic plates of 250x300mm and can easily be concealed under clothing. Another plate carrier is the Operator that offers many different options including different pockets for hard ballistic plates, including two on the front and back side for ballistic panels of 250x300mm and two side pockets for ballistic side plates of 150x150mm.

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