Webshop » Vests » Stab resistant vest stab proof jacket » Stab proof vest economic » Helios fluorescent yellow stab proof vest economical

Helios fluorescent yellow stab proof vest economical

Helios geel steekwerende vest econimic Helios fluorescent yellow stab proof vest economical

Helios geel steekwerende vest econimic Helios fluorescent yellow stab proof vest economicalHelios geel steekwerende vest econimic Helios fluorescent yellow stab proof vest economicalHelios geel steekwerende vest econimic Helios fluorescent yellow stab proof vest economicalHelios geel steekwerende vest econimic Helios fluorescent yellow stab proof vest economical

€ 369.77

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Helios geel steekwerende vest econimic€ 369.77 Add to shopping basket
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Helios fluorescent yellow stab proof vest economical€ 369.77View

Cheap stab proof Fluorescent vest Helios Basic Economic!
The fluorescent and high visible Helios outer cover (carrier) was developed specifically for the emergency services and can be provided with a standard protective package of your choice. In this case, the Fluo stab-resistant vest Helios is provided with a package which is used in the Basic Economic stab-proof vest.
Because of the crisis are many investments by official authorities are refused and rescuers has to provide with their own resources for a personal protection. This stab-resistant package is not officially certified which makes the purchase significantly cheaper. The package is already in use in several countries and is a realistic cut-resistant basic protection ideally suited for personal defense.
The Fluo vest is available in yellow Fluo for general aid, ambulances and support services while the Red Fluo jackets suitable for firemen, emergency rooms ...
Through the use of a plastic harness as cross resistance is this vest also suitable for thin needles or injection needles. This is an advantage for ambulance services. This plastic harness is also very appreciated as protection against attacks with broken glass bottles. Broken glass bottles can sometimes have very thin glass splinters.
The basic Economic stab-proof package contains a square aluminum plate as protection of the most vital organs round the heart region which together with the plastic harness a stab-proof resistance provides up to 14 Joule. (some police departments prefer nowadays the old NIJ-3A ballistic vests with a stab resistance up to 15 Joule). 14 to 15 Joule stab resistance is an acceptable and realistic stab resistance. This stab resistance can be increased if desired by putting a hard stab-proof plate in the Basic Economic package.
This stab resistance can be increased if desired by putting an additional hard stab-proof plate in the Basic Economic package. This square plate does not come to the bottom of the stab-proof vest, by which this combination is still fairly smoothly and not bothersome. The stab-proof vest Helios Basic Economic Fluo weighs less than 1.3 kg with aluminum plates and is punch and stab-proof defense against attacks with broken glass and small pocket knives or light kitchen knives ideal for personal defense.
If it is feared for command daggers or heavy hunting knives we suggest the vest with the extra hard stab-proof plates.
Sizes S-M is size the size Helios Medium and is spacious customizable by the adjustable closures.
 Sizes L-XL is the Helios XL and is spacious customizable by the adjustable closures
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