Webshop » T-shirts » Cut resistant T-shirts protection level 5 » Cut-resistant T-shirt Spectra Coolmax blend sleeveless VBR-Belgium

Cut-resistant T-shirt Spectra Coolmax blend sleeveless VBR-Belgium

Snijwerende T-shirt Spec-Cool-mix - ZM Cut-resistant T-shirt Spectra Coolmax blend sleeveless VBR-Belgium

Snijwerende T-shirt Spec-Cool-mix - ZM Cut-resistant T-shirt Spectra Coolmax blend sleeveless VBR-BelgiumSnijwerende T-shirt Spec-Cool-mix - ZM Cut-resistant T-shirt Spectra Coolmax blend sleeveless VBR-BelgiumSnijwerende T-shirt Spec-Cool-mix - ZM Cut-resistant T-shirt Spectra Coolmax blend sleeveless VBR-BelgiumSnijwerende T-shirt Spec-Cool-mix - ZM Cut-resistant T-shirt Spectra Coolmax blend sleeveless VBR-Belgium

€ 321.00 € 200.00

In stock

Snijwerende T-shirt Spec-Cool-mix - ZM-2XL€ 200.00View
Snijwerende T-shirt Spec-Cool-mix - ZM-L€ 200.00View
Medium - Cut resistant T-shirt Spectra-Coolmax mix Sleeve less€ 200.00View

This white cut-resistant T-shirt without sleeves is made ​​of new tissue including a mixture of Spectra of Honeywell and Coolmax which has a cut resistance level 5. This T-Shirt is thus only one layer, is relatively thin and has a fresh feeling during wear in summer or inside a building. The cut resistant protection is incorporated into the tissue and thus over the entire surface of the T-shirt.
These cut-resistant T-shirt is without sleeved protects the most vital organs against a cutting attacks with knives or broken glass. These cut-resistant T-shirt is perfect to wear under white clothes . Ideal for bus drivers, police officers or other to wear under the white duty shirt. Due to its special composition, this cut-resistant T-Shirt also perfect to wear under a stab or bulletproof vest .
The T-shirt is washable.
Suitable for: Military, police and personal defense.


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