Medium - Cut resistant black T-shirt / Coolmax-Cutyarn-Polyester / Long sleeves VBR-Belgium
€ 204.97
In the case of a mess attack, cuts are almost always made to the victim's arms because the victim holds the arms (and hands) in front of the face to protect himself. A cut-resistant T-shirt with long slash-resistant sleeves is of course of great advantage in case of a knife attack.
This black cut-resistant T-shirt with long sleeves differs from other cut-resistant T-shirts because it is made of three layers. The outer layer is a soft Coolmax layer that can be printed, the middle layer is the slash resistant Cutyarn layer level 5 and the inside has a polyester mesh layer.
The gas-fiber reinforced cut-resistant Cutyarn sits between the outer Coolmax layer and the inner Polyester mesh layer. These prevent the body from coming into direct contact with the cut resistant tissue or that gas fiber glass can escape in the eyes or in the lungs of the wearer. This is a requirement of various police services. By using a Coolmax layer, this cut-resistant T-shirt remains relatively fresh in the summer and in winter it is very comfortable to wear.
The cut-resistant protection covers the entire surface of the T-shirt (torso, shoulders and long sleeves). This is a professional cut-resistant T-shirt that is already worn by various security services in different countries in Europe and in America! It is a serious and practical protection against attacks with pocket knives and broken glass. The T-shirt can be comfortably worn underneath the uniform or clothing and the cut-resistant protection can significantly reduce or even prevent any cuts from attack with knives or broken glass.
The T-shirt is machine washable up to 30 °
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